Today at 10:48 am, a black pickup truck driven by Eydounow H. Tudriiv collided with the ice cream shop known as Dairy Delight. The crash caused thousands of dollars in damages, or in actually descriptive words, caused a small explosion in the front and set the building ablaze. Exactly 1 employee died, with 3 people injured (1 bystander, 2 employees).
The event was recorded by a bystander who refused to let us embed the video on account of its nonexistent quality, so we will have to describe it. The video starts with ok I’m tired and the executives don’t check these things so… it’s just a video of a truck hitting the place and blowing up. Sprinkles and waffle cones everywhere.
We used a Ouija board to
communicate with one of the tragically lost employees. It was crazy.
There was fire seemingly everywhere, screams echoing throughout the place. I
almost died.
We quickly broke the news,
causing said employee to hit us with a spectral keysmash. We were unable to reach them again.